I have joined the “Jesus Loves Toronto 2018” English Team. I thank God who gives me this opportunity to share gospel to different people with different races, languages, culture backgrounds along with different educational levels.
As a seasoned Christian over 25 years, the great commandment is always a top priority in my life and already put it in action. However, I don’t think I have fulfilled my mission completely to all nations without a breakthrough in cross-cultural and cross-social practice. Jesus Loves Toronto English Team gives me the opportunities to taste various types of evangelism. e.g. Scott Mission, University Campus, street evangelism. Through all these, I realized that the Holy Spirit has prepared many people’s heart to come and accept our Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. I sense the Lord’s presence that work with us. There is no bigger joy when you see someone from another race to accept Jesus Christ.
Not only this, I always have a burden to bring up more young Christians to share Gospel with others, especially the 2nd generation English speaking Chinese Christian, such as my son (11 ages old) and the youth in our church. The “Jesus Loves Toronto” provides a very good practical personal evangelistic training for all ages. Topics include: basic person evangelism, evangelistic tools (i.e. Evangel Cube), basic apologetics and religions comparison. The training helps every one of us to be equipped to face different people when we share the Gospel. I am very thankful to be involved in the teaching part of the Great Commission. It is to lead, to teach, to train and to work with our 2nd generation in this Great Commission. Glory be to our Lord Jesus Christ!