
親愛的基督徒們, 你們認為有何力量能改變社區.改變生命………可能, 你從未想過耶穌愛華埠是一個走進社區走進人群中間的福音行動, 我們就是: 蹲下身子向路宿者分享福音, 向坐在街頭與無家可歸者分享信仰, 向來來回回身邊擦過的人群招手, 向那些漫無目的和雙目迷茫的人群中穿插, 目的就是要把神愛世人的福音帶進人群。我們堅信福音是改變社區改變生命的唯一途徑, 福音本是神的大能,要救一切相信的,並且能改變「你」-基督徒的生命素質, 不再一樣!

本土宣教大行動除了多倫多華埠中區外, 也伸展東區至西區,並且用三語個人佈道培訓(國、粵、英), 進行大型區域佈道,鼓勵住在東西南北面的信徒向華埠區居住的親友佈道,這是多倫多華埠區的教會和短宣中心向教會發出的「馬其頓」呼聲,也藉此佈道行動,裝備那些有海外長宣或短宣心志的信徒們, 向不同人仕和不同語言的群體傳福音。

去年參加佈道人數402人, 我們祈求主賜我們600人, 把福音的震撼力深入社區各角落, 也震撼著每一個參加者的心靈,不再為自己而活, 乃是為主而活!

主必快來! 主啊! 我願祢來


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Letter to all Christians:  Jesus Loves Toronto Local Mission in Action!

August 20th – 25th, 2019

Dear brothers and sisters:

You may wonder how we can change our community, and how our lives can be transformed.  Perhaps, you have never heard Jesus Loves Toronto is about walking into a community and share the wonderful Gospel to everyone we meet.  Can we humble ourselves to share the Good News at the street corner with the homeless people and share God’s love to them?  We may also come across someone that is confused or feel purposeless in life.  The reason we are here is to bring the Gospel message of “For God so loved the world” to people from all walks of life.  We firmly believe the power of the Gospel is the only way to transform lives and to transform a community that we live in.   The Gospel of Christ is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes.  It is capable to transform you, and definitely, it can transform your Christian life, so that it is no longer the same.

Besides having this local mission in the core Chinatown area, we will extend our mission to the east and west of Chinatown, along with the personal evangelism training utilizing three languages (Mandarin, Cantonese, English).   Hence, we are evangelizing a large area in downtown Toronto.  We encourage all Christians living in all parts of Toronto to share the Gospel to their friends and relatives in the Chinatown area.  This is the Macedonia call to all the GTA churches from the downtown churches and from Toronto STM.  Thorough this weeklong action in local mission, we can equip mission-minded Christians for long-term and short term overseas mission.  They will be able to meet to share God’s love to people of various social and ethnic background.

Last year, we had 402 people joining Jesus loves Toronto. We pray that God will give us 600 people this year so that the impact of the Good News of Jesus Christ can deeply reach every corner of our community.   It can also realign the hearts of all Jesus Loves Toronto participants, not to live for themselves, but for Christ.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is coming quickly! Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

His servant,

Pastor Faith Pang.

For inquiry, call:  416-291-0200 / info@torontostm.com

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