Business as Mission – Work is a calling of God

Mr. Lawrence ( Larry ) Law

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. John 10: 9b – 11

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24

And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. As it is written: “ They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor; their righteousness endures forever. 2 Corinthians 9:8-10

According to a Gallup survey, 80% of people feel miscast in their jobs, so finding more profound meaning and purpose in work is becoming more critical for those in the career or about choosing one.

90% of Christians have never read a book, heard a church sermon, or listened to a talk about faith in the workplace.

Many Christians do not know how to bring Jesus Christ with them to work, and unfortunately, therefore Jesus and our faith are left at home, and the workplace becomes a spiritually barren, secular experience.

As a Christian businessman, Community planner, and developer, I am often asked to share my life’s purpose and passion and the challenges among my business establishment, the Living Waters Resort in Collingwood, and other charity organizations’ involvement.

Humbly, I started for twofold reasons: to comply with Jesus, His calling, to be used as salt and light in the living communities, and to bear good witness among other business colleagues for God’s glory.

After getting my Bachelor of Architecture, I worked as a developer and builder in California for a couple of years and then seven years in Hong Kong. I learned and matured in knowledge a lot before moving to Canada in 1984. I worked for two years to get local experience and establish my own business. Soon after, I became relatively successful and appraised by others, and thus, becoming more successful in wealth and fame was my only goal. Then my wife took ill with cancer in 2000. She passed away within a year. I found I lost myself entirely in despair and hopelessness.

During my wife’s last days, we were invited to go to a church. I came to know Christ a year after my wife’s passing. Since then, I’ve been searching for the meaning of life.

I had an opportunity to take a two-week short-term mission trip to China with my church’s team many years ago. My spiritual insight was enlightened then about the Creator, God and His creation, His people. Life is not only about earthly processions but living in Him eternally and working for His Kingdom. I was confident I wasn’t ready to retire, but I called to learn about Business as a Mission, a Marketplace Ministry designed to teach men and people in business or the workplace how to be better men.

I was excited!! I was receiving a roadmap. I replied, ‘God, here I am. What do you want me to do?’ That started my faith journey, leading me to understand my purpose in being, doing and living better in Christ.

Some reflections from everyday life while running my business are: Firstly, God always leads and protects us. He invites us to partner with Him in an intimate, whole-hearted, and strong relationship. ( Psalm 8:6)

In a ruthless and even cutthroat society or workplace, pursuing God will transform us and fill our love tank so we can overflow with His love and still be salt and light where we are by being good to the people around us. We can implement God’s love by establishing the four ‘Cs’: Chemistry, Competency, Character, and Caring. When we come to know God and follow His call and will, we can build better relationships with staff, clients, and the community (2 Corinthians 9:8-10)

I also understand that Integrating faith with living and being with doing means striving for EXCELLENCE and serving God with your heart, soul, and mind. Please Don’t wait for retirement but now, in your business establishment or serve! By applying biblical principles, we can excel in doing good deeds and running a successful business. They are mutually inclusive_

Secondly, do I have the courage to do the right thing?

There is a governing principle for making business decisions for me: what is the right thing to do?

Several years ago, a city proposal for a public entertainment casino came to Collingwood, Ontario, where I operate my resort business. Along with others from my church and community, we prayed together and signed a petition opposing this. When it came to a vote, it was defeated by only one vote. A Councillor later said he felt compelled to change his support from a ‘yes’ to a ‘no’ vote by our public petition thus, the project was cancelled. Our prayers do wondrous things and empower us to have the courage to do the right thing. It is a beautiful journey of a spiritual partnership with God, and He gives us the privilege to walk with Him.

In recent pandemic-suffering years, the Mayor and a social agency told me about the lack of motel rental space for people experiencing homelessness in Collingwood, where I live. Sadly, I was moved and knew it was a call from the Holy Spirit, so I immediately offered hotel space to assist in resolving the public tasks. However, that does not mean I did not fight a battle!

During COVID-19, maintaining health was a huge concern for everyone. The safety of hotel staff and guests and concerns about potential mental stability issues worried me, and I had to submit to God in prayers. Yet I knew it was the right thing to do, so I persevered. By God’s grace, we excelled!

Praise God! We even offered jobs to a few homeless individuals as trust relationships grew, and they became the most trustworthy employees. After all, as a wise teaching lesson, giving someone a fish to eat is not as valuable a lesson to teach independence as teaching them how to fish!

And finally,  ‘How to be a good steward is my daily job?  ‘ He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. ( Micah 6:8 )

We tried to do things godly, and caring for my staff was my primary responsibility and calling.

Did you know that God has a plan for your life? We invite you to open your heart to know Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, today.

Author references: Mr. Larry Law was a construction developer in the real estate industry, such as the Cornell project in Markham. He is a Christian business leader, the Owner, President, and CEO of Living Water Resorts at Collingwood. He is also building a senior citizen Retirement Home and Resort. Mr. Law and his team aim to create a community full of joy and care. He values corporate integrity and contribution, benefiting the people and the community on a successful corporate platform.

Under the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, Mr. Law has made many charitable deeds and contributions to employees and the community. Thus, he received awards from the Order of Collingwood and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Canadian Chinese Entrepreneurs Association. He is actively promoting Marketplace Ministry as Kingdom work and mission.