【Creation Care】Experiencing the Joy of Growing Plants

Raymond Cheng, founding member of Creation Care 120 creationcare120.info 2022-05 My wife and I are not good at growing plants.  Perhaps due to the constraints of the living environment, our busy and tight schedules, and the lack of time to take care of plants, our potted plants and flowers are dying on the windowsill at home.  It may be slightly exaggerated, but it does reflect my powerlessness in growing plants. In the same way, we feel overwhelmed by the bad vibes in the world. We feel powerless when the world fails to suppress evil, wars, sicknesses, and disasters. However, even in these difficult times, planting can help to

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【Medicine Life】 Side Effect

Little Pill 2022-05 “Side effect” is a question every patient  asks the pharmacist when a new medication is prescribed. Patients seek help for their illness will trust that their doctors for the medications prescribed; but there are situations where doctors  prescribed medications for what appears to be no clear indications when patients have no complaints. Patients receive information sheets and documented side effects is more alarming than efficacy which trigger them to doubt, “why am I taking the medication when I have tolerable or no symptoms at all.”  Hence, pharmacists always explain the proper ways to take the medicine and how to minimize side effects to ensure compliance. They

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【Light of Grace Album】 – Light in the Darkness

圖文: Eric Lau  拍攝地點:Sibbald Point Ontario  With the political situation unrest and the severe pandemic, the world seems to be shrouded in darkness. Nonetheless, we will not lose faith. “ When the world becomes gloomy, more hardship, and darker,  it’s when the dawn is approaching…” – Bian Yunbo We are convinced that the God who created the heavens and the earth is in control and gives peace to those who trust Him. Therefore, the night will pass, and the sun will always come out again! “so that from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting people may know there is none besides me. I am

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Nuclear Threat & Endwar

Timothy Tin  2022-05 As the world witnessed the outbreak of Russia-Ukraine conflict, tragedies occurred daily. The Polish vice prime minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski said during an interview with the German press that Poland is armed and prepared with American nuclear weapons. (www.worldjournal.com/wj/story/121468/6213036) Japan seemed to have forgotten the nuclear bombs obliterated Hiroshima and Nagasaki seventy-seven years ago. It has been established in the free world that nuclear weapons should not be in possession, production, or to be transported. However, Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party member Takaichi Sanae suggests that this unprecedented exception can be made to transport nuclear energy between nations. She seems to suggest that Japan should get nuclear

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【A Joyous Golden Age】The Elements of Wonderful Retirement Life

Pastor Stephen Chung 2022-05 A few days ago, I attended a dinner party hosted by a visually impaired group called “Banquet in the Dark.” The purpose is to let those of us who can see experience how those who can’t see go through some of the daily life, like having a simple meal. During the whole process, we were blindfolded and experienced complete darkness. In the beginning, the staff led us to the designated place, and when all the attendees were there, we closed our eyes and played the game by touch only, followed by dinner time. There were four dishes in the “Secret Night Banquet” that day,

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Heart @ Ease

Original Writer Clay Jar 2022-05 She was only nine when her father was sent to the mental asylum with hundreds of ex-mates. Despite their narrow escape from gassing in the Nazi concentration camps, these ex-mates, unfortunately, sustained brain injuries. It was one of the most horrific nightmares of human history when Hitler invaded her beloved country Belgium and most of the European continents. Thousands to millions had died a tragic death by brutal killings or poisonous gassing. Young Georgette did not understand why her father was arrested and gassed.  Neither did she know what brain damage was.  She was told her father could not recognize them and she

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【Immigrants from Mainland China】Knowing Them More, Loving Them More in Practice, Sharing Gospel to Them

Xiaobing    2022-05 Views on Education The views on the education of mainland Chinese immigrants to North America have changed and developed over time. On the one hand, they continue to be influenced by the view from the mainland. But on the other, they absorb the North American idea inevitably. Evangelization to these immigrants from the mainland is the aim of this short article, through understanding of their views on education, especially those parents who have adolescence or younger children, in the 30-50-year-old age group. In addition, understanding the education that international students from the mainland have received can help us establish a better channel for communication with

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Unceasing Journey of Mission II

Small wood 2022-05 Most of us who are living to a certain stage of life would always self-ask two questions.  The first one is ‘Who am I?’ which is the recognition of self-identity. We unconsciously put on different masks because of the need or the change in the environment, but it may incur the loss of the ‘Real me.’ “Who am I?’ is not only the outer identity but is an inner ‘being.’  The second question is ‘What am I doing?’ Along with the past, life becomes routine; no matter in good times or bad times, we may only focus on ‘gain or loss instead of the meaning

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What Should Christians Look Like, Anyway?

Jeffrey Ho   2022-05 Have you ever wondered what a Christian should look like?  Growing up in a Christian household, with Christians parents who brought me to church every Saturday for cell group and every Sunday for Sunday Service and Sunday School, I thought I had a pretty good idea what Christians look like. Christians sit up straight, they are polite and courteous, they raise their hands when they either ask or answer questions, they never speak out of turn, they are always busy during the weekends and religious holidays, and they always pray before meals. That was the impression of Christians I grew up with.  But as I

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