Follow Me (Continued)

Jesus said to him, “Follow Me” (John 21:19) Growing in Grace, Learning in Serving Thank God for giving me and my wife a new heart in knowing Him, serving Him. After baptizing in 1994, we started participating in the choir, and as we grow in faith, through God’s mercy and protection, and with the encouragement and support of pastors and co-workers, I have become core co-worker of the Mandarin fellowship. We served in the church as one body with other brothers and sisters of different culture and background. In 1996 I was nominated and elected as church deacon in evangelism. Serving a church of 400 in three different

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Follow Me

Pastor Chen Biao, Director of IIIM Ministries Theological Education Resource Center USA, East Asia Region Jesus said to him, “Follow Me” (John 21:19) Spiritual Blind I was born in an educated family in China, and like many others of the same generation, I was raised in difficult and tumultuous times. I had never heard of the bible or Christianity before university, and not to mention the “god” of the superstitious western society. In my childhood memory, I probably questioned why people call Sunday a “Day of Worship”, and got an answer instead questioning me whether I watched the Soviet movie. In a nutshell people believe that Sunday worship

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The Practicality of Missions in the Pandemic: Our Testimonies

Rev. Kenneth Kin Hang Lo Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Internet has become the most important way for us to contact the outside world. Someone once joked: “We can go out without our wallets, or stay at home, but we can’t survive without the Wi-Fi or mobile phones!” This is because all the data and messages are on our phones. Of course, they also have the Internet connection to the outside world. All of a sudden the way of the church has changed: worship, fellowship, prayer meetings, and all other gatherings became online meetings. Everyone can bring the church into their own home without leaving home,

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Self-transcendence of life

Alice Cheng Bookstores are overstocked with books for successful living. Commercial advertisements also bombard us with how to attain beauty, self-confidence, health, and wealth. Self-actualization and self-transcendence are what we long for. WHO AM I? “I” am a very unified and organized living being. “I” have self-awareness and willpower, physical body, feelings, emotion, and reasoning. My motivation for growth comes from different levels of needs: physical needs, sense of security, sense of self-esteem, sense of belonging, sense of accomplishment, and sense of morality, etc. “I” have a thirst for wisdom, affection, intention, and truth, kindness, and beauty.  However, my heart often wanders in transcendence and relativity.  This includes:

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Race to Space? Race to Heaven?

Timothy Tin While the world is gripping with the shrouding shadows cast by the Delta variant of the coronavirus, three wealthy individuals from around the world willingly risked their lives and fought to be the first person to become a ‘space traveler’ and open up the world of space travel.  On July 11, 2021 at 9 am, Richard Branson, an English business magnate, rode his own business empire’s spacecraft and reached a peak altitude of 53.3 miles.  It reached the atmosphere and experienced four minutes of weightlessness; after one hour of flight the spacecraft — Unity 22 — safely landed in New Mexico. Branson founded the Virgin Galactic

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Peace in the Midst of Covid-19 Variant

Helen Man COVID-19 VARIANT Since the outbreak of Covid-19 in 2019, coronavirus has caused tremendous damages in the world. We’ve had hundreds of millions of confirmed cases of infection and more than 4 million deaths worldwide. In the United States, we’ve had more than 35 million confirmed cases and more than 600 thousands of deaths. Covid-19 has paralyzed the medical systems and hospitals in a lot of countries and severely damaged the economy, bringing a record-high unemployment rate. In the U.S., the unemployment rate jumped from a low 3.5% pre-Covid-19 to double digits once reaching 14.8%. (Note) REOPENING UPENDED By God’s grace, we have effective vaccines to fight

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News postscript: Federal Election will be held ahead of schedule under the Pandemic amidst controversy

Author:BUMING On a Sunday morning in mid-August, Prime Minister Trudeau, after meeting with Governor Mary Simon, who had been in office for less than a month, announced the dissolution of the 43rd Congress to hold the federal election ahead of schedule on September 20. The 36-day election campaign has subsequently begun. This is the statutory minimum time for election campaigns and the eighth Federal Election in Canada since 2000. The four-year term of the current Liberal Party government will not actually end until October 2023. With the Canadian Election Bureau adopting a series of public health measures to ensure that voters can vote safely in the fourth wave

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