【Letter from Jun】 Let Go of Pride and Walk Out of the Bondage of Rationality

Eric  2022-07 Peace to you, Brother Xiaojun! I still remember in my previous letters, I mentioned that I have started to go to church regularly. Not that I have already known God, but I was intrigued by the faith in Nancy Clay’s family and how they lived out humility, love, generosity, optimism, diligence, peacefulness, and joyfulness, and how much they love God. I know it has to do with their faith.  So I started attending their Sunday worship, Sunday school, small group fellowship, and family gatherings to explore how they have such lives. That is what I wanted and have been pursuing in my heart. However, in Sunday

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The Father of Genetics & the Inheritance of the Father

Author: Timothy Tin Translator: Mandy Kwan After the world was shrouded in the threat of the Coronavirus pandemic, most people are tired of hearing news of the virus’ mutation; in fact, many long to hear of the virus’ extinction instead! However, living things’ heredity, mutation, and extinction follow a specific order and progression. Looking back at the discoveries of Gregor Johann Mendel, the father of modern genetics, he shared his results of genetic experiments of cross-breeding pea plants at a natural sciences conference in Austria in February of 1865. The following year he published “Experiments in Plant Hybridization” which explained two principles in Mendelian inheritance: the Law of

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【Medicine Life】Antibiotics

By Little Pill   2022-06 Antibiotics are essential drugs purposed to treat infection caused by bacteria by killing the bacteria or decreasing bacteria growth so our immune system can fight off the infection. As a result, antibiotics can prevent infection and the spread of disease as well as reducing serious disease complication. When we are sick with fever, pain, fatigue, sore throat, cough, nasal congestion, or headach, we ask the doctor for help. Some people may self-diagnose an infection and ask the doctor for antibiotics. The doctor may need to do testing before diagnosing, whether an upper respiratory tract infection, ear infection, urinary tract infection, or other serious infections

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Twitter and Free Speech

Edwin Law  2022-06 n mid-April 2022, Elon Musk, the world’s wealthiest businessman and entrepreneur, and Twitter’s board of directors reached a preliminary agreement on a $44 billion acquisition plan. Musk proposed the acquisition less than a month ago and finally got the seemingly improbable deal within a week. However, this acquisition proposal has caused a lot of controversy from all over the world. The rich buying media companies happens quite often in recent history. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the super-rich owning a newspaper is like holding a personal megaphone. One famous example is News Corp, owned by Rupert Murdoch, controlling hundreds of news and media

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【Immigrants from Mainland China】Views on Family

路實 Lù shí   2022-06 In the last issue “Views on Education”, Xiaobing mentioned that “in the subconscious of parents, children’s excellence and success in school and society are part of their own and family success.” It reflects an essential aspect of the family view of immigrants from Mainland China: children are the center of families, and that family success is the primary goal. In this issue, we will follow this idea to look at the family view and situation of those families with children whose parents are between the age of 30-50. Although parents in this age range might have immigrated to western countries and have gone through

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【Heart of a Doctor】God’s Calling and a New Identity

Doctor Luke  2022-06 I often hear people say they can’t be devoted to serving ministry because they’re waiting for God’s calling in their life. Sometimes we misunderstand God’s calling. We often think that only full-time ministry is the true calling, which is always what we are looking for. But in fact, God’s calling to us is a call to a new identity, not to do some tasks for God. The apostle Paul prayed for us: “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his

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【Chatting and Reasoning With a Caring Person】 Troubles/Hardship young people are facing

Samuel Wong  2022-06 No matter how you define “young people,” we either had been young before or are a young people today. Sociologists and adolescent experts generally accept defining Generations by Age Range.  Beresford Research combined the definition of Gen Z by Pew Research Centre and the U.S. Census Bureau’s definition of Baby Boomers. And they distinguish respective eras as follows[1]:     Birth Year Age Gen Z 1997 – 2012 10 – 25 Millennials 1981 – 1996 26 – 41 Gen X 1965 – 1980 42 – 57 Boomers 1946 – 1964 58 –76 Post War 1928 – 1945 77 – 94 WWII 1922 – 1927 95

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【Gen Z】Evangelism and Gen Z — Pt.1: Three Essential Affirmations

By: Samuel Aragones 2022-06 In my youth programs, I always try to institute some form of Q&A Night, where students and parents get to send in anonymous questions regarding life, faith, and the Bible. And one of the most frequently asked questions I get from pastors, parents, and students is: “How on earth do I share the gospel?” This is a broad topic and one many have dealt with far better than I could. Still, my hope in writing and addressing this topic of evangelism (or “sharing the gospel”) with Generation Z is that I wish to offer my particular perspective as a Millennial pastor who serves in

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Mickey Mouse & Parental Responsibilities

Author: Helen Man  Translator: Kim Ng HORRIBLE MICKEY Since Walt Disney’s public declaration of support for LGBTQIA last summer, its image of a healthy traditional family has been poured down the drain: Disney will delete all the gender-specific addresses such as Ms., Mr., boy, girl, auntie, uncle, brother, princess, prince, or queen. A new rainbow appearance of Mickey will then be created. (Note 1) The president of Walt Disney, Karey Burke, has announced that her two children are transgender and pansexual. Thus, she wholeheartedly promoted Disney as a spokesman for LGBTQIA, hoping to influence other children and families. Bob Chapek, the chief executive officer of the Walt Disney

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“Chatting and reasoning with a caring person” — Who is a caring person?

Pastor Samuel Wong  2022-05 I like the column “Chatting and reasoning with a caring person.” One can have many friends or acquaintances, yet it is the caring person one should treasure, spend time with, and share your heart with. A caring or loving person is willing to put away their own opinion and spend time listening, reasoning, or discussing. Sarcastic Phenomenon We all see the information explosion of the 21st century in which social media have become part of our daily life. According to Facebook, young people between 18 -28 years have an average of 300 friends; then, as of April of 2022, an Australian nightclub promoter in

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