Home-stay and campus fellowship in Japan

Storm Buster Series Pius Chi-Shing Lee   In 1988, I left Oslo for Tokyo on an early morning departure flight on a cold winter day. It was not a direct flight but had a relatively short overlay in Hong Kong. My destination was a small agricultural town in Aichi Prefecture (愛知縣), Central Japan. The last leg of the journey was by train from Tokyo to Aichi. Our plane approached Haneda Airport, Tokyo, around 8:00 pm local time. The vivid impression of a foreigner newly arrived in the megacity of Tokyo was indelible and resonates to this day. As a young man raised in Hong Kong and educated in

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Narrow Escape of a Sure Death in Wars-Interesting Adventures

Author: Ancy Lee Translator: Pius Lee I was born in Vietnam with five siblings. I am a second generation immigrant. Therefore we were a busy household of eight. We lived in ChoLớn, South Vietnam. It is a city of Chinese immigrants. During the 60’s and early 70’s Vietnam had experienced many big and small fierce civil battles between the North and the South. The North was under a communistic regime and the South a capitalistic regime. The geographical divide between the two fractions was the Hue Province. Hue is situated 955 km from Ho Chi Minh City (previously Saigon), the capital of the southern fraction. Many residents fled

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The Eternal Meaning Behind Thanksgiving

Author: Timothy Tin Translator: Mandy Kwan When people think of Thanksgiving, we often think of the bountiful feast with turkey and other dishes. How often do people remember the treacherous journey of the Puritans, who came upon the shores of North America on the Mayflowerand their harrowing experience as they settled upon Provincetown, Massachusetts? In fact, the significance of these first settlers point to something far more eternal and transcendent than just this annual American tradition. The Puritans were a small group of sojourners, in search of religious freedom, risked their lives and left their homeland to arrive on the American shores. They had not expected that this journey

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[Storm Buster] Autumn Foliage Forecast

Pius Lee Autumn is pleasant. It has many public holidays for the most populous countries in the northern hemisphere. In the U.S. we have Labor Day, Columbus Day and the Veterans Day. In China there are Mid-Autumn Festival and Double-Yang Festival. Likewise, just to name a few, there is Oktoberfest in Germany, Diwali Festival in India, Chuseok in Korea, and Dia De Los Muertos in Mexico. In short, autumn is the time to relax and play. The weather in the northern hemisphere is usually cooperating. In autumn, large scale pressure systems are associated with subsidence flows. Subsidence flows result with cloudless skies and a lot of sunshine. However,

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Business as Mission – Work is a calling of God

Mr. Lawrence ( Larry ) Law I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. John 10: 9b – 11 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound

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Beating the Challenges, Seizing the Opportunities, and Doing Avodah Work!

By Pastor Peter Lau “Transform the workplace? Kidding? I couldn’t even SURVIVE!” It is the usual response I get when conversing with workplace Christians about bringing their faith to work. It’s NO kidding! Since the pandemic, we have all struggled with survival mode in our work. The Challenges of Work Recent research findings confirmed how difficult it is to survive work nowadays: Remote work has blurred the boundaries between work and private life, causing employees to prolong work hours to answer calls or emails, contributing to digital burnout.1 2 Technological advancements such as AI and automation, which result in shorter skill lifespans and the emergence of new occupations,

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Eating God ?!

By Dr. Paul Zung  So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.  John 6:53  …“If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. John 14:23                                                                                                            Advent, 2023 Dear Reader, The thoughts I want to share may seem foreign to how many of us understand faith in Jesus Christ, even difficult to digest.  However, my conviction is that they are essential, and I want to share

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The Unfathomable Deep Space and Seas

By Pastor (Dr.) Pius Lee Follow the Money Man is an adventurous creature.  In the pre-pandemic year of 2019 the US travel and tourism industry generated 1.9 trillion dollars in economic output. That was a startling 9% of the nation’s corresponding GDP of 21.38 trillion dollars in 2019. This astronomical amount of money spent by tourists globally will exponentially increase as space and deep sea tourism begin to enter into the arena of exotic adventures. Money invested and money spent reflects the heart of man. Space tourism is expected to be viable in terms of garnering a sizable customer base especially for near-earth suborbital, orbit, and lunar space

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Fear Not, Shepherds!

Fear Not, Shepherds! –Luke 2:9-10     By Rev. Richard Choy It is Christmastime! Perhaps you’ve noticed that our TVs are already streaming shows and movies highlighting the spirit of the season. The stores we frequent have festive displays of products to make this time of year memorable. It is the season of good cheer and merry celebrations. It is the season of being thankful for family and friends. It is the season of caring and sharing our blessings. The world is caught up in the spirit of Christmastime, yet deep down, we realize that it is merely a varnish of sentimentality over the way things are.   The reality

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Master Strokes for Good Parenting

Author: Helen Man Common Phenomena Some criminals defend themselves as victims of child abuse that moulds them into executors of violence. Here are some observations of child psychologists: Children who grow up in a hostile family become hostile adults. Children who have been bullied very often end up having low self-esteem. Growing up in a mean family will cultivate a mean and overbearing person. A violent and formidable family usually raises children of violence or fear. If a child grows up in a family of jealousy, gossiping, and arguments, he will most likely become jealous, doubtful, and scheming. Growing up with kind, loving, reasonable, and trustworthy parents, children

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