Heat Wave & Doomsday

Author: Timothy Tin While the conflict in Ukraine continues to rage on, European are facing a crisis in energy scarcity and a flood of refugee resettlement issues. However, the most shocking devastation is the record-breaking heat wave across Western Europe. According to the BBC, Portugal had a record high temperature of 47 degrees Celsius. In Great Britain, certain regions issued extreme heat warnings. On July 19, 2022, a few areas in the UK reached a record temperature of 40.3 degrees Celsius. Dr. Eunice Lo, a climate scientist at the University of Bristol, told BBC that rising temperatures signify climate change. Every year 2000 people die of heat-related deaths.

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【Immigrants from Mainland China】Thoughts and Thinking Patterns

Soldier 2022-08 In the first four releases, we explored the outlook on life and work, culture and history, education, and family. This installment explores ideas and thinking patterns that lead to these ideas. Many immigrants from Mainland China come to Canada. After learning and encountering conflicts, they will change their thoughts and ways of thinking. However, stereotypes and habits of thinking still play a role. The culture experienced by immigrants from Mainland China is thousands of years of authoritarian culture, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism with Chinese characteristics. A scholar’s conclusion described Mainlanders’ thinking mode in graphics, mainly showing the thinking of point, line, bipolar, plane, and three-dimensional thinking.

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The Choice for Life Track

蔡錦輝   2022-03 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6) The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. (Proverbs 4:18) The way of the sluggard is blocked with thorns, but the path of the upright is a highway. (Proverbs 15:19) In Psalm 90, Moses described life as a night of sleep, being swept away, being cut down like the grass, and flying away, yet the book of Proverbs compares life to a road. Thousands

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Abortion & the Bible

Author: Helen Man Translator: Kim Ng Abortion Rights Overturned On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court voted 6 (conservatives) to 3 ( liberals) for the case of “Donna v. Jackson Women’s Health” to overturn “Roe v. Wade 1973,” which had endorsed women’s rights to abortion 50 years ago. The decision was based on the 10th Amendment, that the right to abortion belongs to the people and their representatives. It means that each state makes its law about abortion. (Note 1) This new Supreme Court decision made on June 24, 2022, is similar to the breach in May despite all kinds of opposition, including protests, threats, and even attempted

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[Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)]

By Little pill I love singing, whether it is Cantonese or English, contemporary or religious, and even Cantonese opera. So years ago, when I had a chronic cough, particularly at night, my voice became coarse, and I couldn’t sing many notes. I found out the issue was caused by stomach acid reflux causing damage to my vocal cord. When stomach acid repeatedly flows back into the esophagus, the tube connecting your mouth and stomach, this acid reflux can irritate the lining of your esophagus and throat. When acid reflux happens repeatedly chronically, it can cause Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). When you swallow, a circular band of muscle around

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A Football Coach’s Public Prayer: Cost & Victory

Author: Timothy Tin  2022-08 Credit: Elias Gayles | flickr.com/photos/elias_daniel/292872324 In the state of Washington, a high school football coach named Joe Kennedy made a promise to God in his prayer before a game in 2008, “I will pray after each game, whether winning or losing, to thank God for each teammate and let me be a coach.” (www.foxnews.com/opinion/football-coach-joe-kennedy-prayer-sideline-fighting-game)He expresses his thanks to God is to walking to the center of the field after each game, kneeling, and saying a short thanksgiving prayer. For seven years since that promise, he has courageously expressed his faith testimony and received praise from the students and staff. However, the school district was

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【Medicine Life】Constipation

By Little pill  2022-07 Constipation is a common problem that most people experience at least once in their lifetime. However, constipation can be a temporary or chronic condition, affected by lifestyle, related to age, caused by medical conditions, or secondary to medications. We can think of the colon (large intestine) as a dehydrator, usually absorbing water as food moves through, forming bulk waste, what we call stool (or poo). Muscle contractions then push the stool through, and by the time the stool reaches the rectum, water is mainly absorbed, making the stool solid. Conversely, when the colon’s muscle contractions are slow or sluggish, the stool moves through the

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【Heart of a Doctor】 Chosen and To Accept

Doctor Luke 2022-07 As a family doctor, I am constantly confronted with the question, “Why me?” Especially when a patient is diagnosed with cancer.  Most people’s response is:  disbelief, self-pity, or anger; doesn’t God love me? It’s not just when we’re physically sick that we often have this reaction.  I find that many people are dissatisfied with many things, for example:  why is my husband so lazy and not working? Why doesn’t my wife respect me? Why does my child keep letting me down? These people are often depressed or feel joyless.  We seem to have eaten the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil,

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【Generation Z】 “Whose Plans?  Ours or God’s?”

Jeff  2022-07 As Christians, God calls us to go and make disciples of all nations, to go where God sends us, and to be a part of the Body of Christ.  Before we can get to that, though, we must get on the same page as God.  After all, how can we be used by God and be part of God’s plans if we don’t believe in them? The other day I was watching a show called Fresh Off the Boat.  It’s a show about this American Chinese family living in Orlando, with immigrant parents and sons born in the US, trying to adjust to life in a

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The Father of Genetics & the Inheritance of the Father

Author: Timothy Tin Translator: Mandy Kwan After the world was shrouded in the threat of the Coronavirus pandemic, most people are tired of hearing news of the virus’ mutation; in fact, many long to hear of the virus’ extinction instead! However, living things’ heredity, mutation, and extinction follow a specific order and progression. Looking back at the discoveries of Gregor Johann Mendel, the father of modern genetics, he shared his results of genetic experiments of cross-breeding pea plants at a natural sciences conference in Austria in February of 1865. The following year he published “Experiments in Plant Hybridization” which explained two principles in Mendelian inheritance: the Law of

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