Narrow Escape of a Sure Death in Wars-Interesting Adventures

Author: Ancy Lee Translator: Pius Lee I was born in Vietnam with five siblings. I am a second generation immigrant. Therefore we were a busy household of eight. We lived in ChoLớn, South Vietnam. It is a city of Chinese immigrants. During the 60’s and early 70’s Vietnam had experienced many big and small fierce civil battles between the North and the South. The North was under a communistic regime and the South a capitalistic regime. The geographical divide between the two fractions was the Hue Province. Hue is situated 955 km from Ho Chi Minh City (previously Saigon), the capital of the southern fraction. Many residents fled

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“No, not for China, …”

Rev. CY Yan Hudson Taylor – a name widely remembered for his love for China.  But, myself an ethnically Chinese person, I have to ask a question – what is it about China that made the place and the people so loveable to Hudson Taylor?  He indeed sacrificed so much while he was serving as a pioneer missionary there.  But was it simply because of his love for China? Let’s take a look at the many situations and events that he had to suffer through during his time there: In 1853, the Taipings rose in insurrection against the ruling Manchu government. Outwardly, they presented themselves as a Christian

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【Testifying God in Workplace】Oasis In A Bustling Wilderness

By Truth Seeker  “It is a mere and miserable solitude to want true friends, without which the world is but a wilderness …” (Francis Bacon)  When I read of the “miserable solitude” of one who wants “true friends” and the contrast between the “world” and ” wilderness” in this quote, I could not help but think of our workplace! I have worked for many years in the corporate world and found that it is not easy for people in the workplace to develop into good friends! As I tried to observe and reason for a while, it could be the high mobility of people in the workplace, their

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【Shoes of the Gospel】The Gain and Loss During the Pandemic

Author: Trustworthy Message I want to ask the reader how you feel when you step into a church. What is a church? A church is a place where believers of Jesus Christ get together. So let’s look at how a church in Toronto walks with people during the difficult time of the pandemic. When Covid-19 broke out in 2020, this church had only a tiny congregation. The church members were physically separated because there were no longer in-person gatherings. However, their minds were closer than ever. They knew very well that Jesus the Lord would like them to share His love under all circumstances so that people could

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【Doctor’s Heart】Find Your First Love Again

Dr. Luke “Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.” (Revelation 2:4-5) Vision without sharing dissipates, faith without test weakens, and love without renewal fades. When I first practiced medicine thirty-plus years ago, loving people with passion filled my heart. I spent a long time listening to their concerns, healed their illnesses, and frequently led people to Christ. My heart was full of joy. I built a library in

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【Testifying God in Workplace】You Are Standing on Holy Ground

Cindy Shum  2022-08 Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. 2 There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. 3 So Moses thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.” 4 When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!”  And Moses said, “Here I am.”  5 “Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your

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【Testifying God in Workplace】

Cheung   2022-08 In a ‘blink’, I have worked as a real estate agent for over 20 years. Although this job didn’t give me a prestigious title or a profession that people admired and respected, I liked it because I could control my working hours.  I also love real estate investments and helping others find the right place to their liking as home. My husband and I were both at retirement age. We were self-employed with no long-term pension but only a tiny portion of the RRSP we had saved over the past few decades. We spend most of our income on our children. As a result, we want

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【Testifying God in Workplace】The Uninvited Friend in Adversity

Truth Seeker 2022-07  “True friends visit us in prosperity only when invited, but in adversity, they come without invitation.”   —  Theophrastus I accidentally read this classic ancient Greek adage and remembered Proverbs 17:17, “A friend is always dear, but a brother is born in trouble.” In life, there are many things we can choose, e.g., work, spouse, address, and education.  But there are many things we do not choose, especially some relationships, e.g., colleagues in the same office, parents of spouses, next-door neighbors, and other believers in the church. Amongst these relationships, I suggest it is divinely arranged in a workplace as most people spend most of their

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Amazing Journeys of Conversion  

  Wong Li Yuet-Sim I came to Canada in 1965. In 1978, I rented a room to an international student named Chin Kwok Wah.  He asked me whether I was happy, and I answered, “No.”  My son, at age five, died on the way to Children’s Hospital due to his allergic reaction to the medicine when he got an injection.  Life is not in our hands.  My son’s death made me see that life is short and without hope. It is not perfect even when we have wealth and family. Chin suggested taking me to the church. So, he drove me weekly to the church for almost two

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Witnessing- Help in Times of Turmoil

Yu-Yuet Cheung  2022-06 At the end of May, when it was up to the deadline for submitting my article, I went blank, not knowing how to approach it. I kept praying to God for guidance, “Oh Lord, what do you want me to witness?” and the Lord inspired me, “My grace is sufficient for you, and my cup overflows; you only have to proclaim it from your heart.” Two days ago, bad news came from Hong Kong. It sheared my heart, drained my soul, and probably contributed to my blanking out and not knowing what to write. My third uncle, my dad’s youngest brother, suffered a stroke a

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